CH 1 - Package Managers
Use one, seriously just do it!
Package managers are used to easily install software on your machine. I used package managers extensively while working with Linux operating systems. Recently, good variants have become available to Mac OS and this has been a game changer. Packages help ensure software is interoperable. For example, a frequent challenge for new Linux users is compiling code, e.g. turning raw code into a functional application. Most often, the user runs in a series of failed compiles; requiring them to decipher cryptic error messages then compile missing dependencies. With package managers, user benefits from the community (crowd) working together to package software and resolve depedencies.
Packages can be kept seperate from the software shipped with your machine. For example, your Mac ships with Python, while you can change or upgrade the system Python installation, this can introduce weird issues with other software on your system. A package manager, on the other hand, installs to a new isolated directory (e.g. usr/local/cellar) where you can install, uninstall, and switch between versions of software packages, without touching your system installations.
You don't know what you're missing!
This is imporant for the reproducibility of a scientist's work. For instance, you may develop an analysis that uses multiple libraries, then update software for some other application, and suddenly your code won't load or, worse, the software returns subtly different results. Package managers partially help in this situation, you can easily roll back the version and its dependencies; however, a true solution also necessitates virtual containers to freeze complete versions of the code used for the analysis. These containers could be run years later with the same old code versions and consistent results. We will discuss containerization in a future guide. For now, we will discuss using package managers to facilitate loading software and protecting your core system from installation side effects.
Another important aspect of reproducibility is to ensure consistent results across machines and quickly setup new machines. You can install your packages with simple shell scripts that run in the terminal and can be managed by a lab group in a shared repository with everyone on the team. If you change laptops you can quickly get up an running again or help setup your colleagues and students. As you find bugs, one person's fix becomes everyone's solution, rather than everyone debugging and solving installation on their own. Indeed, half of the notes in my Evernote collection are just recipes for getting programs to work. Without sharing them, my colleagues will have need to run into and solve the same problems in turn. This scenario can be overcome with scripts, packaging, the crowd, and open source. You could eventually contribute back to the packaging community or write a helpful blog post. I keep a record of the software I install in a large batch file. I'll clean up and share this file in a later version. Essentially, it looks like this:
# Useful binaries
# Install the binaries
brew install ${binaries[@]}
I currently use four different package managers for data science:
0) Homebrew
Homebrew manages the setup of software on your Mac. Homebrew is invaluable and leaves your system settings untouched. Homebrew is the self-described "missing package manager for Mac OSX." It is a beer-themed package management system, e.g. you "tap" a repository to access files.
Homebrew supplants deprecated managers like: MacPorts and Fink.
Core commands:
Install Homebrew
## Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Maintain homebrew
To check on the health of your packages, e.g. check for updates and verify configuration use
brew doctor
You can usually ignore any warnings, they are just a suggestion. If something needs fixing Brew Doctor will give you the command you need to run. Most of these are safe to run. It is very satisfying to have a clean bill of health from the Brew Doctor.
To maintain your home brew, these commands are usually run together
brew update && brew upgrade
Install packages
Packages exist as formulae available from the main repository, while others are in sub-repositories that you need to tap first.
To install software use the syntax brew install XYZ, e.g.
brew install python
Uninstall packages
To uninstall software use brew uninstall XYZ, e.g.
brew uninstall XYZ
More commands
List packages
To list Homebrew installed software
brew list
ls /usr/local/cellar
or, to get info on a particular package
brew info XYZ
Find packages
Sometimes you need to search for the software to get the spelling correct, try this
brew SEARCH?
Alternatively, you can just google the name of the software and homebrew and you'll usually find an example in a forum post. Be careful cutting and pasting code from forum posts, make sure you understand what it does. Commands like brew install and the name of the library you are looking for is generally a safe operation; you can always brew uninstall if you don't like it.
Some full software suites, or binaries are managed with brew cask, for example:
brew cask install XYZ
Other packages outside the core are managed in seperate repositories you may need to tap. For example, some favorite scientific and geospatial repositories are found on tap:
brew tap ## list repositories you've tapped
brew tap <XYZ> ## tap a repository
brew untap <XYZ> ## remove a tap
Freezing package versions
In the scenario described above where you don't want to upgrade a package because it may break your code, you can freeze a package with the "pin" command
brew pin XYZ
When you want to upgrade it you can "unpin"
brew unpin XYZ
Jumping among versions
You can also switch versions, with the switch command
brew switch python 2.7
To see which versions you have installed
brew list --versions python
Tapping new repositories
There are repos that have been curated by communities such as scientific or geospatial programmers. These are kept in seperate repos in part becuase they are not standard issue and have a smaller audience. Here is a list of some interesting repos:
The scientific goods are here:
brew tap homebrew/science
These packages are now available with your standard brew install.
When you're done science-ing
brew untap homebrew/science
==IN PROGRESS BELOW (Thar be dragons ...)==
1) Conda
Manages packages (especially Python) in your Anaconda environment (curated by Anaconda - formerly Continuum IO). This system is used specifically to manage python libraries with the Anaconda installation
Install Conda
Maintain Conda
Install packages
Uninstall packages
Maintain packages
Find packages
List packages
2) Pip
Manages Python across your machine (curated by Python community). This environment is called the Cheese factory--a Monty Python reference, like many things Pythonic. Pip replaced easy_install. You will often see reference to both, use Pip for more consistent results.
Install Pip
Maintain Pip
Install packages
Uninstall packages
Maintain packages
Find packages
List packages
3) Node (NPM/Yarn)
These tools manage your Node.js javascript packages. I've very recently migrated to Yarn, it just seems to work better for me. I recently spent a whole afternoon fighting npm dependencies and yarn fixed the issue in one shot. Despite my n=1, this seems to be broader trend.
Install NPM
It comes bundled with Node.js. See installing node.js in CH2
Maintain NPM
Upgrade to the latest Node package manager (npm)
npm install -g npm@latest
Install packages
Node has a concept of local and global installations. the -g flag makes the package available across your system, e.g.
npm install -g XYZ
Whereas the --save flag makes it available only with that folder.
npm install --save XYZ
Local installation also saves the package name to a node_packages file within that folder, so it can be recreated when you ship the code with the command
npm install
Uninstall packages
Maintain packages
Find packages
List packages
There are more coming down the pipe, and referenced in this guide, but it is worth using these for now.